Design is not a thing you do, it's a way of life.
Alan Fletcher

My name is Ross West, and I was recently called a plumber.
I've used a pipe wrench exactly once in my life, and that was to whack an alarmingly large scorpion - and its even larger associate (technically that's twice.) My point is, I know nothing about plumbing.
I do, however, know how to build and fix things (creatively speaking.) Or if they’re not broken, how to simplify them to work more efficiently. As a creative leader and life-long designer, I strive to create clarity from chaos.
My life's goal is simple: to help myself, individuals, teams, and companies be better and achieve more through simple, thoughtful, sophisticated, and effective end-to-end designed experiences - while having fun doing it.
Strategy. Creativity. Results.
Helping Scotland, one dram at a time
Global travel company marketing
Fast-tracking global sales enablement
Digital transformation:
Brand Central Station
1 to 1 marketing, at the speed of immediately
Digital transformation: global ABM
When the plumbing works, the faucet shines
Digital transformation:
global creative operations
A realigned focus on people & potential
Blue Yonder global brand launch
Helping big change be less frightening
CPQ sales tool global rollout
A fun approach to a very serious subject
Cyber Security global initiative
The King lends a helping-hand
Luminate Control Tower POC campaign
From Bret Michaels to Bad Ass Coffee...
A creative mashup
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"A strategic, creative mind"